vinigma Ganzkörpereinsatz

Full-body operation in the cellar

The grapes of this harvest are in the tank. At the beginning of October, we joined forces to harvest the grapes in the Jenins vineyard. Three different basic wines are produced from the grapes of my Jeninser vineyard thanks to three different processing methods. These form the basis for the “jeninser” and the “aspermont”.

With each new harvest, I create distinctive vintages from my grapes. So in a way, each vintage is also an experiment and unique. I usually have a plan, but I review, change or even discard it in the course of the process. My guide is my senses: my nose, my eyes, the sense of touch and logically, the palate. A unique experimental practical that repeats itself every year.

The photo shows me last week tapping the marc from the fermentation tank. Wine production requires not only a trained sensorium but also full-body commitment, a lot of experience and the courage to sometimes take surprising paths. The 2019 harvest is promising, but how my “jeninser” and the “aspermont” will turn out in 2019 is something the yeast can hardly guess!