Jenins: Leia im Einsatz

“Teamwork with nature”

A few days ago, the advertising slogan “Teamwork with nature” caught my eye. I thought to myself that this is exactly how it works at vinigma. We humans work “hand in hand” with the vines. This is how grape juice is produced, from which we then press excellent wine. But that doesn’t go far enough, because as we all know, nature includes not only plants but also animals. And that’s where Leia comes in, the animal in the vinigma team. Nothing works without Leia. In the vineyard she courageously ensures safety and order, and under the office desk she sets a good example and ensures an optimal working atmosphere. Man, vines and dog – a great team!
Speaking of vines: In the Jenins vineyard we have survived the late cold spells so far. Although some buds were blossomed at the beginning of April, the frost damage is limited. So we are now looking forward – with a delay of about two weeks compared to an average year – to a hopefully beautiful summer.